Welcome to Creates

CREATES  is a consortium of academic and research institutes whose overall objective is to conduct and promote cutting-edge innovative and relevant research in Therapeutic Sciences and medical genetics that address key health issues related to diseases of major public health importance in Kenya and the East African Region.

Our mission is to provide health solutions through appropriate research innovations with a vision of being a leader in innovative health research for development. We aim to develop and undertake innovative, relevant and responsive research programmes in health, aligned with national and regional priorities. In addition, we will establish high quality graduate, postgraduate and post-doctoral training and mentor ship platform for the next generation of researchers in health research through innovative and internationally competitive modules.

Specific Research Areas in Creates:

  1. Development of a knowledge base platform underpinned by biostatistics, bioinformatics, computational biology and mathematical modeling.
  2. Drug discovery, formulation and delivery including application of nanotechnology in medicine (nanomedicine)
  3.  Clinical pharmacology and clinical trials
  4.  Genetics of disease

The goals of CREATES is to become a Centre of Excellence in these fields by developing an accessible platform of knowledge generation, sharing and training. Partner institutions in CREATES include Strathmore University  as the lead institution, the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of South Africa and the African Centre for Clinical Trials (ACCT).

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CREATES intends to become a Centre of Excellence in these fields by developing an accessible platform of knowledge generation, research and training.

Creates Objectives, Vision and Motto


To develop and undertake innovative, relevant and responsive research programmes in health, aligned with National and Regional priorities Establish high quality graduate, postgraduate and post-doctoral training and mentor ship platform for the next generation of researchers in health research through innovative and internationally competitive modules.


A leader in innovative health research for development.


Innovations for Healthy Populations
