Strathmore University IRB is accredited by the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI) to conduct ethics reviews of Research protocols in human and behavioral sciences. The main SU IRB is responsible for reviewing proposals that have major ethical and scientific risks e.g. clinical trials.
However, a subcommittee of the IRB is also involved in reviewing proposals with minimal ethical risks and also deal with ethical approvals for undergraduate, masters and PhD research proposals from within and outside Strathmore University. Scientific approval of undergraduate, masters and PhDs are decentralized to the Schools and Faculties.
Some of the statutory mandates informing the IRB Strathmore University include:-
- National Science and Technology Act (Cap 250), 1979;
- ICH Good Clinical Practices Guidelines;
- Research Clearance in Kenya (NCST No. 15, 1984);
- International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals;
- Council for International Organizations for Medical Sciences (CIOMS), 1985;
- Belmont Report; and other internationally accepted best practices in the conduct of clinical research in human subjects.
RHInnO Ethics
SU-IRB has since adopted RHInnO Ethics, an online Protocol Management System. RHInnO Ethics offers cloud-based management of the research ethics review process. Its basis is facilitating the management from protocol submission to review to approval to follow-up. Researchers will find it easy to upload their files, receive immediate feedback that submission is complete, and can follow progress of the review. A researcher will be required to create an account by completing the fields as well as attaching necessary research documents. To submit a protocol to the SU-IRB, CLICK HERE
Please note the RHInnO Ethics platform has been upgraded to a newer version, i.e. RHInnO Ethics 2.1
Features of RHInnO Ethics 2.1
COHRED has introduced RHInnO Ethics 2.1 into the market; a new and improved version.
RHInnO Ethics 2.1 is a major upgrade of the current platform; which offers improved experience, as well as new functionalities, many of which were developed based on feedback from the growing user network.
RHInnO Ethics is an ideal, cloud-based software service that enables effective and efficient management of REC’s information and administration through e-submission, e-tracking and e-reviews of protocols; thus, strengthening communication between researchers, administrators and reviewers.
However, RHInnO Ethics 2.1 is offering more than that, it is more user friendly making user’s experience even better with multiple interfaces redesigned to deliver the best experience for Reviewers and Applicants. It has new functionalities that will improve quality, speed up multi-centre reviews, and add to the ongoing learning of RECs.
Similarly, selected workflows have been redesigned to allow for increased efficiency throughout the application life cycle. Most loved features of version 1.2 have been maintained to ensure, amongst other things, automated saving, low bandwidth usage and secure data storage and backup.
Protocol Submission Guidelines
Before submitting a protocol or paying the ethics review fee, it is important to know which category of researcher you fall in. Download and read the forms below (See Guidelines and IRB Fee and Bank Details).
Download the form below with details on attachments necessary during submission:
Download the form below containing the fee and bank details:
Bank Details
Account Name: |
Strathmore University |
Account Number: |
8702044844000 |
Bank: |
Standard Chartered Bank |
Branch: |
Karen |
Physical Address:
Strathmore University,
P.O Box 59857-00200,Nairobi-Kenya.
Tel:+254 703 034 375
Madaraka Estate,Ole Sangale Road,