HIV & Host Genetic Research Group

Group leader
Washington Ochieng’, PhD. Associate Research Professor
Infectious Disease & Genomics.
Research Activities: At the HIV and Host Genetics Lab, our research interests focus on understanding human diseases at their intersection with host genetics. The key question guiding our scientific inquiry is; how does human genetic differences contribute to diversity of disease outcomes? We are also leading the investigations in pathogen molecular epidemiology, with studies on HIV-1, HCV and HBV. Current research activities include:
- Investigating polymorphisms in the human CCR5 and CCR2 chemokine receptor genes in relation to HIV infection and treatment outcome among long-term HAART patients
- Genetic epidemiology of HIV-1
- HIV-1 Drug resistance and Treatment Response monitoring
- Therapeutic Drug –level monitoring in blood of HAART patients
- Co-infection {HIV, hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV)} among injecting drug users
We are deliberately developing an expert platform that will solve emergent public health problems of our generation by continuously seeking to understand genetic intersection of infectious and non-communicable diseases. Hence, the lab has set up collaborating platforms for Cancer, Diabetes and TB genomics and discovery research. The lab strives to develop scientific minds of the future by offering training and mentoring opportunities for Undergraduate and Graduate students and Interns. For more information about our research activities, please see the List of Publications and Research support as outlined below or visit us at Strathmore University.
- Mwatelah RS, Lwembe RM, Osman S, Ogutu BR, Aman R, Kitawi RC, Wangai LN, Oloo FA, Kokwaro GO, Ochieng W. (2015). Infection Burden of Hepatitis C Virus and Human Immunodeficiency Virus among Injecting Heroin Users at the Kenyan Coast. PLoS One. Jul 24;10(7):e0132287. PMID: 26208212
- Ochieng W, Nzomo T, Lwembe R, Kitawi RC, Sada R, Kimulwo M, Omondi K, Ochieng DJ, Mwamburi M Ogutu B, Oloo Fand Aman R. (2015). Implementation and Operational Research: Correlates of Adherence and Treatment Failure Among Kenyan Patients on Long-term Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, June 1: 69 (2); e49-e56.
- Nzomo TJ, Kitawi RC, Mwatelah RS, Aman R, Kimulwo MJ, Masankwa G, Ogutu B, Okendo J, Lwembe RM, Muigai A, Ochieng W. (2015). Genotypic variability of HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase gene from long-term antiretroviral-experienced patients in Kenya. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses. May;31 (5):550-3. PMID: 25748548
- Kitawi R, Nzomo T, Sada R, Kimulwo M, Masankwa G, Lwembe R, Okendo J, Aman R, Ogutu B and Ochieng W. (2015). HIV-1 Subtype Diversity Based on Envelope C2V3 sequences From Kenyan Patients on Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses,Apr;31(4):452-5. PMID: 25423998.
- Omire A, Budambula N, Ochieng W, Baliach C, Kerosi D, Langat H, Okemwa M, Kirumbi L, Aman R, Ogutu B, Lwembe R. (2014). Assessment of Risk Predisposition to Human Papilloma Virus through Cervical Infections Screening of Women Attending an Outpatient Health Facility in Nairobi, Kenya. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 4 (22). ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online).
- Lihana RW, Lwembe RM, Bi X, Ochieng W, Panikulam A, Palakudy T, Musoke R, Owens M, Ishizaki A, Okoth FA, Songok EM, Ichimura H. (2011). Efficient monitoring of HIV-1 vertically infected children in Kenya on first-line antiretroviral therapy. Journal of Clinical Virology, 52 (2): 123-8. PMID: 21798798.
- Ochieng W, Sauermann U, Schulte R, Suh Y-S; Kim KS, Sung YC, Hunsmann G, Stahl-Hennig C, Sopper S. (2009). Susceptibility to simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) ex vivo predicts outcome of a prime-boost vaccine after SIVmac239 challenge. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 52(2): 162-9. PMID: 19644382.
- Schulte R, Suh YS, Sauermann U, Ochieng W, Sopper S, Kim KS, Ahn SS, Park KS, Stolte-Leeb N, Hunsmann G, Sung YC, Stahl-Hennig C. (2009). Mucosal prior to systemic application of recombinant adenovirus boosting is more immunogenic than systemic application twice but confers similar protection against SIV-challenge in DNA vaccine-primed macaques. Virology, 383 (2): 300-9. PMID: 19027133.
- Lwembe R, Lihana RW, Ochieng’ W, Panikulam A, Mongoina CO, Palakudy T, de Koning H, Ishizaki A, Kageyama S, Musoke R, Owens M, Songok EM, Okoth FA, Ichimura H. (2009). Changes in the HIV type 1 envelope gene from non-subtype B HIV type 1-infected children in Kenya. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 25(2):141-7. PMID: 19108688.
- Khamadi SA, Lihana RW, Osman S, Mwangi J, Muriuki J, Lagat N, Kinyua J, Mwau M, Kageha S, Okoth V, Ochieng W, Okoth FA. (2009). Genetic diversity of HIV type 1 along the coastal strip of Kenya.AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 25(9): 919-23. PMID: 19751145
- Lihana RW, Khamadi SA, Lwembe RM, Ochieng W, Kinyua JG, Kiptoo MK, Muriuki JK, Lagat N, Osman S, Mwangi JM, Okoth FA, Songok EM. (2009). The changing trend of HIV type 1 subtypes in Nairobi. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 25(3): 337-42. PMID: 19327052.
- Khamadi SA, Lihana RW, Mwaniki DL, Kinyua J, Lagat N, Carter JY, Ichimura H, Oishi I, Okoth FA, Ochieng W. (2008). HIV type 1 genetic diversity in Moyale, Mandera, and Turkana based on env-C2-V3 sequences. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 24(12): 1561-4. PMID: 19102688.
- Ochieng¢ W. Immune and Intrinsic correlates of protection in Rhesus macaques Immunised against Simian Immunodeficiency Virus. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, 2007 ISBN-10: 3867274274, ISBN-13: 9783867274272
- Lwembe R, Ochieng¢ W, Panikulam A, Mongoina CO, Palakudy T, Koizumi Y, Kageyama S, Yamamoto N, Shioda T, Musoke R, Owens M, Songok EM, Okoth FA, Ichimura H. (2007). Anti-Retroviral Drug Resistance-Associated Mutations Among Non-subtype B HIV-1-Infected Kenyan Children With Treatment Failure. Journal of Medical Virolology, 79:865–72. PMID: 17516531.
- Ochieng¢ W, Ogoyi D, Mulaa FJ, Ogola Simon, Musoke R, Otsyula MG.(2006).Viral load, CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts and antibody titres in HIV-1 infected untreated children in Kenya; implication for immunodeficiency and AIDS progression. African Health Sciences, 6(1):3-13. PMID: 16615820.
- Ochieng W, Stahl-Hennig C, Suh Y-S, Sopper S, HunsmannG andSauermann U. (2006). In vitro SIV replication kinetics correlate with vaccine induced cellular immune responses and predict post-challenge outcome in immunized rhesus macaques. Retrovirology, 3(Supplement 1): P46. PMCID: PMC1716867.
- Ochieng¢ W, Wanzala P,Bii C, Oishi I, Ichimura H, Lihana R, Mpoke S, Mwaniki D, Okoth F. (2005). Tuberculosis and oral Candida species surveillance in HIV infected individuals in Northern Kenya – implication on screening implementation of isoniazid directly observed preventive therapy programme (DOPT-P). East African Medical Journal, 82 (12): 609-13.
- Khamadi SA, Ochieng W, Lihana RW, Kinyua J, Muriuki J, Mwangi J, Lwembe R, Kiptoo M, Osman S, Lagat N, Pelle R, Muigai A, Carter JY, Oishi J, Ichimura H, Mwaniki DL, Okoth FA, Mpoke S, Songok EM. (2005). HIV type 1 subtypes in circulation in northern Kenya. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses, 21(9): 810-4. PMID: 16218806.
- Ochieng W, Nzomo T, Kitawi RC, Sada R, Ogutu B, Kimulwo M, Ochieng DJ, Masankwa G, Oloo F, Aman R and Kokwaro G. Pervasive Multi-Drug resistance among HIV-1 infected Kenyans on long-term highly active antiretroviral therapy. J of Intl AIDS Soc (In Review 2015).
- Ochieng W, Nzomo T, Kitawi RC, Sada R, Ogutu B, Kimulwo M, Ochieng DJ, Masankwa G, Oloo F, Aman R and Kokwaro G. Pervasive Multi-Drug resistance among HIV-1 infected Kenyans on long-term highly active antiretroviral therapy.
- Kimulwo MJ, Kitawi RC, Mwatelah RS, Aman R, Masankwa G, Ogutu B, Okendo J, Muigai A, Oloo FA, Kokwaro G and Ochieng W. Plasma nevirapine levels predict virological response in HIV-1 infected patients receiving treatment at Kenyan comprehensive care facilities. (In Review 2015).
- Masankwa G, Okwaro A, Oketch J, Okendo J, Magiri E, Ogutu B, Aman R, Kimulwo MJ, Kitawi RC, Mwatelah RS, Oloo FA, Kokwaro G and Ochieng W. CCR5 and CCR2 Chemokine coreceptor polymorphisms and gene variability among HIV-1 infected HAART-experienced Kenyan patients exhibiting different treatment outcomes.
- Nzomo T, Kitawi R, Sada R, Aman R, Lwembe R, Kinyua J, Ogutu B and Ochieng W. Multi-Drug Resistant Hiv-1 Among Kenyan Patients On Long-Term Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy. Keystone Symposium on ‘Mechanisms Of HIV Persistence: Implications For a Cure (E1)’. April 26-May 1 2015, Boston, MA.
- Ochieng W, Kitawi R, Nzomo T, Mwatelah R, Hungu C, Kimulwo M, Onyango K, Lwembe R, Mwamburi M, Ogutu B, Oloo F, Aman R. Correlates of Adherence and Antiretroviral Treatment Failure in HIV-1 Infected Kenyan Patients. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. October 2014, 30(S1): A166-A166. Also presented at the HIV Research for Prevention (R4P) conference, P.22-05. Cape Town, South Africa. October 29 2014. (
- Kitawi R, Nzomo T, Sada R, Kimulwo, M, Masankwa G, Lagat N, Oloo F, Aman R, Ogutu B, and Ochieng W. Increasing Diversity of HIV-1 Based on Envelope and Pol-RT Sequences of Viruses Circulating Among Patients Attending Comprehensive Care Centres in Kenya. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. October 2014, 30(S1): A182-A183. Also presented at the HIV Research for Prevention (R4P) conference, P25-04. Cape Town, South Africa. October 29 2014.
- Ochieng W. Genetic variability and treatment response among HIV patients in Kenya- Tufts Center for Global Public Health- Research Innovation Day, Nov 20th 2014; Boston MA. Available here
- R. Mwatelah, W. Ochieng, R. Lwembe, L. Wangai, Creates HIV Research Team, Kenya. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) and Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) co-infection among injecting drug users at the Kenyan coast. AIDS2014. MOPE13 . IAS, Melbourne Australia. Available here.
- Ochieng W. Emerging evidence for optimizing highly active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) in Kenya- Research to Policy Dialogue (June 18-21 2014, Nairobi, Kenya)
We continue to seek partnerships and diversification in our funding base to support the scientific inquiries at the heart of our mission for a healthier public. The current research activities of the group have been supported by the Consortium for National Health Research (CNHR) with funds from the Department for International Development (DFID) and the Wellcome Trust foundation under the following grants;
Study: Host and viral Genetic variability in HIV-infected Kenyan patients.
Host and Viral Genetic variability and multi-drug resistance among HIV-infected Kenyan patients.
In this study, we mapped out the molecular epidemiologic landscape of HIV in Kenya and described drug resistance phenotypes under long-term HAART scale-up.
Rose kitawi – MSc. Medical Epidemiology
Maureen Kimulwu – MSc. Medical Virology
Timothy Nzomo – MSc. Medical Virology
Ruth S. Mwatela – MSc. Medical Virology
Geoffrey Masankwa – MSc. Mol. Biology & Bio-Informatics
Betty Too – MSc. Medical Virology
Lab Technician
Gladys Kemboi